When most people see an injured animal on the side of the road, they stop and try to lend it a hand. That’s not what happened when 8 hikers in the Parque Nacional de Picos de Europa in Spain came upon an injured wild hog that was struggling to pull itself back from over the precipice.
In the video taken of the incident, two of the hikers begin to poke the animal with a stick. The pig, scared, tries to fight against their prods but eventually gives up. As it falls to its death, the 8th hiker - the one filming the horrific spectacle - exclaims “It’s done!”
Hikers are supposed to be nature lovers. People who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the great outdoors. What this group chose to do to this poor vulnerable animal goes against that philosophy and common decency.
These hikers must be brought to justice for their horrible deed. Please sign the petition and tell Spain’s nature protection agency ( SEPRONA) that you are behind them 100% in their search for these criminals. Tell them to find them and charge them with animal cruelty.