The last of America's Native horses and burros may soon disappear, from America's vast 245 million acres of public land...and be sent to slaughter and made extinct.
Evidence, has been unearthed in Los Angeles, proving horses are a native species, to North America and there for, horses should not be arbitrarily "removed, culled, imprisoned, sold, harmed, or killed" and especially, not ever without limitation.
The fate of the last of America's wild horses, precariously rests and awaits approval, again upon a vote, to soon take place within the Senate.
Please join us, to contact your Senators and representatives to let them know, that you want them to protect America's magnificent legacy and spirit of freedom, essence of the West..our free roaming and captured wild horses, from further removal, decimation, harm and sale to slaughter, immediately...and To apply on the range wise and compassionate management, for the last of our native horses, whose role in nature.. naturally reduces wildfires and protects the land and water's health and is a source of inspiration for Americans today and for generations, to come.
Thank you, Love Wild Horses®©2017!
Ca. 501c3 Fiscal Sponsor, Marinlink
Wild Horse Protection Act Fb#lovewildhorses
Twitter: @riseup4wldhorse
photo: By Jeanne Bencich Nations
You Tube: Rock & Roll legendary band America's founding member, Dewey Bunnell, call to action to give America's Horses with No Name, urgently needed protection.