Prevent large McCormick Corporation from tearing down trees to make dense housing.

McCormick LLC is deviating from a 75-year plan for McCormick Woods in Port Orchard, WA to make a quick buck by tearing down 19.9 acres of trees and adding 58 homes. This new plat will remove the initial wooded perspective of McCormick Woods at the entrance all to make money. The insufficient wooded area is allotted for the new development, however, it is not enough, since this is outside of the original design of the community, the proposal doesn't need to follow the CC&Rs designated by the rest of the community. The current new plat proposal APN# 042301-3-010-2006 is under city review with a deadline of Feb 7th at 4 PM. The land development needs to be adjusted to allow for at least 200ft of green belt from Old Clifton Rd and McCormick Woods Drive to the development lots, so we (the owners) don't lose the aesthetic appeal of the community. We are all upheld to the same standard, why isn't the builder/developer held to the same standard. 

Update #15 years ago
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