Demand term limits for Supreme Court justices

The extremist Supreme Court majority is out of control, and no longer even pretending to follow the law or Constitution. They've handed down a host of awful opinions that have chipped away at our rights and put our democracy in jeopardy. With three of these justices appointed by Trump, it's no surprise they've been handing him win after win – including immunity from prosecution for "official acts." And because they serve for life, we have to suffer from their corruption and biases for decades after they are appointed. 

That's why President Biden and other top Democrats are calling for major reforms to the Supreme Court, including term limits. 

Supreme Court justices shouldn't be able to hold lifelong positions, and rule as kings, ignoring the will of the people.. We need Congress to make this process more democratic and impose term limits that ensure justices and their decisions reflect what is just, and what is right. 

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