Due to Hurricane Harvey, the dolphins of Galveston Bay are struggling:
Many have lesions covering their sleek, grey bodies. Others are malnourished. A large number have simply disappeared from once-productive fishing grounds.
Researchers are seeking to understand what has affected the previously thriving dolphin populations and their best chances for a full recovery, but it's undeniable that petro-chemical companies spilled massive amounts of pollution into the Houston Ship Channel and into Galveston Bay in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Those toxic chemicals aren't good for dolphins, or the fish they rely upon.
Valero Energy, ExxonMobil and Arkema — 3 companies that released significant amounts of pollution during Harvey, need to take responsibility for their actions and create a dolphin research and recovery fund.
While the nation moves on to the next disaster, these dolphins are still fighting to recover. We can't forget them, and we must support the researchers working to restore their health and habitat. Help hold these large polluters accountable!