TO: The Mayor, Council Members, and Government Representatives of Tofino, BC

    We, the undersigned residents, homeowners, renters, and business owners of Tofino, BC, hereby express our opposition to the Primary-Residence requirement of Provincial Bill 35, the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act, within our community.

    We request that the District of Tofino exercise its authority as permitted by the Resort Municipality of British Columbia (RMB) Act and formally opt out of the Primary Residency requirement of the Provincial regulations set forth by Bill 35, allowing us to create a solution that best supports the needs and values of our unique community.

    We believe that:

    1. Local Control is Essential: Tofino's character and economy are built on local priorities, not one-size-fits-all provincial mandates. As a resort community, we have specific needs that are best addressed by local leadership.

    2. Impact on Housing: The implementation of Bill 35 is particularly concerning for renters, employees, and families hoping to call Tofino home. The District of Tofino took proactive steps in 2004/05 by requiring that all Short-Term Rental properties provide safe, affordable rental housing on-site. Additionally, the Tofino Housing Corporation has begun to build affordable housing in town. These efforts have already started to address the housing crisis, and we believe local solutions are working better than blanket provincial regulations.

    3. Preserving Community Integrity: Tofino must remain a vibrant, sustainable community for both residents and visitors. The current version of Bill 35 could unintentionally harm the social and cultural fabric of our town, threatening the balance that makes Tofino a special place to live and visit.

    4. Economic Concerns: The continued well-being of local businesses and residents depends on the preservation of a healthy housing market and community cohesion as well as a mixture of tourism accommodations, including B+Bs, hotels, motels and short-term rentals

    We therefore respectfully request that:

    The District of Tofino take immediate steps to opt out of the Primary-Residency requirement of Provincial Bill 35 in order to preserve the local housing market, safeguard the interests of residents and business owners, and maintain the unique character of our community.

    We, the undersigned, respectfully ask for your attention to this important issue, as we believe that local control and decision-making are essential to ensuring a sustainable future for Tofino.


    Please indicate if you are a: Resident Owner / Non-Resident Owner / Renter / Business Owner (or all that apply)

    Name | Date

    Update #1about an hour ago
    Hello! At this very moment, we have 421 people who feel strongly enough about opting out of Bill 35 to sign this petition. Thank you for your support!

    May we make another ask?

    We are requesting submissions from residents of Tofino, or owners in Tofino, for the "community members against Bill35" campaign. We would need them back ASAP as we are trying to have to broadcast ready for the council meeting on Tuesday, Mar 11.

    Please send to
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