Stop Euthanizing healthy animals!!
I am so disgusted with seeing healthy animals be put down in shelters, this needs to stop!!! We pay so many of our tax dollars housing and rehabilitating pedophiles that don't deserve it because they have a high likely to reoffend, but we have these poor animals who suffer everyday and because they can't find a home we give up on them!!? These animals are more loyal than most people, they are known to reduce stress levels which can make us live longer, they also have the ability to to identify when a person will have a seizure, know when a persons blood sugar is going to drop, identify a heart condition etc. We need to stand up for these innocent animals, use them for a purpose. They can be trained as therapy dogs, they can be trained in the PD, they can be trained as medical personnel, they can be used in nursing home facilities for people that are lonely and have no one. They have so much purpose in this world and don't deserve for their final moments to be put down! Lets try and illegalize the euthanasia of healthy animals!!!!
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