How cruel does someone have to be to do this to a sweet, loving dog?
Add your name if you want to make sure he pays the price!
"Domingo Palafox of Troy is being held on $250,000 bail after being charged with lighting his dog on fire in March. ...
"In charging documents, friends of Palafox confirmed to police there was a video of Palafox tying up the dog, pouring gasoline on his body, and lighting it on fire," reported KRTV.
And this isn't the only way that poor animal suffered.
It was malnourished, and suffered from medical neglect.
"The vet said the dog was underweight, and had to have its ears amputated due to decay," said the same source.
There's only one way to stop horrible things like this from happening to defenseless animals:
Punish them in the harshest possible way!
Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.
That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress that would punish convicted animal abusers severely.
Don't you want to help protect animals from the likes of this man who set his dog on fire for his own entertainment?
Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to draft legislation that would punish animal abusers FOR REAL!