Save Our Books at the Salem Public Library

Top management at the Salem Public Library has launched a massive project to permanently remove thousands of books from the Library collections. The collection has already seen aggressive removal of books, over 178,000 in the past five years. The collection is already lean and removing more books will destroy the core collection of older, classic books that a mid-sized public library like ours should have. The recently adopted Collection Development Policy calls for "a broad and diverse collection" that can offer "the broadest possible access to content within the library's walls." That policy is now being being violated as thousands more books are being removed from library shelves. By signing this petition to the Salem City Council you are asking for the mass removal to be stopped and for books to be returned to the shelves where they belong to serve our community.

Update #16 years ago
Thank you for signing the Save Our Library petition. If you live in the Salem area please mark your calendar and plan to attend the Library Advisory Board meeting on January 9th at 5:30 pm in the Anderson Room at the Library. There will be a public comment period, so you will have the opportunity to tell the Library Advisory Board to put a permanent end to the purge of books at our library. We also need to tell them to put back most of the books that were removed in October and November.
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