As a caregiver to my dog Lily and animal enthusiast, I have become passionate about the issues concerning animal well being.
During my recent visit to India to see my grandparents, I stumbled upon a dog with one leg broken. Although, nearby citizens were kind enough to feed him, I could see the despair and pain withering through his eyes. These experiences made me realize the challenges facing many similar dogs and cows and felt the urgent compulsion to devise a solution that would be suitable to the Nagpur region; a solution that is cost-effective, sustainable over longevity, adaptable to local situations and is capable of being scalable to various major cities across India.
Although food served the essential means for his life sustenance, he lacked the basic health and well being. Furthermore massive amounts of dogs are put down and spreading rate of rabies in India is a major concern (see linked article)
Additionally, having been an SPCA volunteer, I have seen first hand the looks of pain and misery written all over the faces of animals cramped in cages. Especially in India,Nagpur specifically, small shelters are heavily overcrowded and do not represent a feasible long term solution. Furthermore many stray dogs and cows remain malnourished, having to feed on scraps and garbage for survival.
Many small scale solutions exist but there is nothing on a bigger level.
The concept of Livsasa (non-profit) is to give a permanent home to stray cows and dogs, regardless of health, such that their quality of life equals and exceeds that of adoption.
Livsasa proposes to create a sanctuary for the strayed animals to let them live peacefully by providing requisite services including veterinary care and other basic needs. These facilities and services would be leveraged by partnering with successful local organizations.
It is unique because: Livsasa will be unique as being a large sanctuary that is actively partnered with shelters in India creating a scenario alternative to adoption and euthanization.
• This approach represents an original, distinctive solution to the stray animal crisis that is abundant in India.
• Not adoption dependent since quality of life for animals will surpass that of adoption.
• A Sanctuary for all life, regardless of health status
• It will further help reduce crowding in shelters and the pressing needs for adoptions, including those animals that are not deemed "desirable" for adoptions.
• The key features would cover comprehensive veterinary care, not limited to rabies shots. Trainers and volunteers will also be engaged to provide smooth and peaceful environment that allows animals to feel loved via daily human interactions. Food and supplies will be procured via donations from members and/or in-kind donations via organizations and local stores.
It is Affordable:
The sanctuary will be financially driven by memberships/sponsorships, donations and volunteers (to be further discussed in Organizational Structure). Adopting a capital structure similar to many other sanctuaries, and that of similar dog sanctuary in Canada, Dog Tales, operating expenses will be covered by a sponsorship/membership program
Also, the goal is engage young local veterinarians so that costs will remain minimal and the individual will have a sense of giving back to his/her community. Through publications in local veterinary schools and word of mouth from senior veterinarians will enable the engagement of potential candidates.
Scalable: Livsasa, although initially implemented in Nagpur, is certainly a scalable project. That is, it is viable to have an outreach of sanctuaries outside each major city in India. Thus the benefit of the sanctuaries will be maximize.
Adaptable: Livsasa will have constant iterations of a feedback loop that will critically analyze all faults and actively take measure to rectify these errors. The sanctuary will also be adaptable by means of implementing lessons learned over time. Thus the sanctuary will be able to constantly pivot to adapt to local conditions over time as it will be divided in regions with respect to the animals present.
Sustainable: Livsasa will be a long term sustainable sanctuary due to it's flexibility to adapt to local conditions. Furthermore, since the business model for Lily's Voice is formed from the basis of a similar sustainable successful ventures like Dog Tales and Livsasa too should be able to represent an undertaking that is sustainable long term
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