We, the undersigned, the Fans of Tose Proeski and the Eurovision Song Contest, are starting this petition in order to pay a respect to the tragically deceased singer Tose Proeski during the semi-finals or final Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade...
If RTS (Serbian national public broadcaster) could spare a few minutes for him, and during the interval act play one of his songs, it would mean a lot to his fans all over the world. It's the least we can do and he deserved it without a doubt.
We have lost our angel and all we have left are his songs, which we want to echo outside our borders, all around Europe and the world because we believe that it is the least we can do to repay for all he has given us through his short life.
We appreciate your support and thank you in advance.
Za sva pitanja i sugestije u vezi sa ovom akcijom pisati na peticijatose@gmail.com. Hvala unapred.
Todor "Tose" Proeski was born on 25 January 1981 in Prilep, Macedonia, to Dominika and Nikola Proeski from Krusevo, his hometown, where he spent most of his childhood.
He had his first more significant public appearance at the teenage festival "Melfest" in 1996. And 1997 in Prilep, when he was awarded first prize twice in a row. His vocal abilities were amazing and soon, he was welcomed by the wider audience very enthusiastically.
He performed the song "Pusti me"("Let me go ") at the festival "Makfest" in Stip 1997.
A year later, he participated at the Skopje Festival (the national contest for "Euro song" entry), with the song "Ostani do Kraj" ["Stay 'Till the End"].
That summer, he took part in the festival "Ohridski Trubaduri" in Ohrid and started working with the well known composer Grigor Koprov.
What turned out to be a very successful cooperation resulted in a great number of hits, and the first two were Usni na Usni" ["Lips on Lips"] - (second prize of the jury), and "Sonce vo Tvoite Rusi Kosi" ["The Sun in Your Golden Hair"] (first prize at Eurofest).
His debut album "Nekade vo Nokta" ["Somewhere in the Night"], with 11 beautiful songs, was released on 15th May, a day after he performed the song "Tvoite Baknezi na Moite Beli Kosuli" ["Your Kisses on my White Shirt"] at the Skopje festival1999.
He won the first prize by the audience and this song was topping the charts for months.
That summer Tose had his first solo concert in Skopje which, in spite of the rain, was unforgettable for all the fans.
In the fall of 1999,. he sang "Morska zvezdo" [" Starfish"] at "Makfest" - Stip and won the second prize of the jury. In the beginning of 2000, at the prestigious event "12 Velicestveni" ("12 Magnificent") he won all the major awards for the album "Nekade vo Nokta" ["Somewhere in the Night"], including best male vocalist, concert of the year, best video ...
Tose took part in Skopje festival 2000, with the song "Solzi Pravat Zlaten Prsten" ["Golden Ring made of Tears"] but, even though he won the majority of votes by the tele-voting system, he came third and didn't represent Macedonia at the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm that year.
The second album brought some great hits, like "Nemir"("Restless") (duet with Karolina Goceva), "Vo Kosi da ti Spijam" [" Sleeping in Your Hair"], "Izlazi me Uste Ednas" ["Lie to Me One More Time"], as well as "Iluzija" ["Illusion"] (Grand Prix at the festival "Slavjanski Bazar" in Vitebsk ) and "Tajno Moja" ["My Secret"] (second prize at the festival "Suncane Skale" in Herceg Novi, Monte Negro).
As a student of the Music Academy Tose took part in the operetta "Despina and Mister Doks" by the end of 2000 and the beginning of 2001.
The second prize at the Podgorica Festival 2001 , for the duet with Karolina Goceva, "Nemir" ["Restless"] followed.
At the prestigious event "Oskar Popularnosti" ("Oscar of Popularity") he was awarded as the most successful vocalist from the ex-YU republics in the year 2000.
Tose Proeski performed a track from his debut album called "Sonce vo Tvojte Rusi Kosi" ["The Sun in Your Golden Hair"] at the festival "Suncane Skale" 2001, when he won the second prize of the jury. But, according to the audience ,the real winner was Tose!
By selling out five concerts in a row at the Universal Hall in Skopje in March 2001, he confirmed his immense popularity on home ground.
In the beginning of October 2001 Tose Proeski held a concert at the sold-out "Sava Centar" in Belgrade the largest concert hall in Yugoslavia.
He started working on the third album "Ako me poglednes vo oci" ["If You Look Into My Eyes"] in a music studio in Athens, Greece. The album was recorded in two versions , Macedonian and Serbian .
Tose Proeski won at "Beovizija" in Belgrade in April 2003, with "Cija si" ["Who Do You Belong To"], a song which became a huge hit in Macedonia and the other ex-YU republics.
To improve his singing , Tose, took classes in New York from maestro William Riley, who was also coach to famous maestro Luciano Pavarotti.
Every December Tose makes Humanitarian concerts in Universal Hall in Skopje and that is why in 2003 he was awarded Mother Theresa humanitarian award. He is also guest on many Humanitarian concerts all over world.
In 2003 he became a Regional UNICEF Ambassador.
In April 2004 he realized his 4-th album "Den za nas" (A day for us).
On 29th of June Tose has a spectacular concert on City Stadium in Skopje in front of audience of 20 000 the best ever concert in Macedonia. On the concert he gets an award for Best sold album in Serbia & Monte Negro for his last album.
His 4-th album is realized also in Serbia & Monte Negro, preceded by a grand promotion in Belgrade.
In 2004, MKTV chose Proeski to represent Macedonia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2004 in Istanbul, Turkey, and in February, and finished 14th with the song "Life", which was the English version of "Angel Si Ti".
Prior to the contest he was popularised by reporters due to his tremendous opera singing ability, at his press conferences.In September Tose became national UNICEF Ambassador 2013 the youngest one in the world.
On 2nd of December Tose Proeski and his guest Anja Rupel, Toni Cetinski, Leontina, Esma and Synthesis had a great Humanitarian concert in Skopje in front of audience of 30 000 . On the concert Tose Proeski promote his new song for UNICEF "This world".
In july 2005 Tose released his 5-th Album "Po tebe" in Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia & Monte Negro, Bosnia & Hercegovina in 1.700 000 copies.
"Po Tebe" is currently the #1 selling album in Croatia and Slovenia. In just 20 days following the press release in Macedonia.
Besides world carrier Tose prepared new album with 15 traditional Macedonian songs. Traditional song and opera singing are Tose s biggest love.
His latest album 'Igri bez granici' ("Game without borders") was released all over ex-Yugoslavia in August 2007. Tose's last concert was held October 5, 2007 for the Primary Education Project for USAID. The concert raised tens of thousands of euros for the primary schools of Macedonia. The concert was attended by over 20,000 people and viewed all over the world.
During the early morning of 16 October 2007, around 6.20 am, Proeski died in a car accident on the Zagreb-Lipovac highway near Nova Gradiska, Croatia. The Touareg crashed into the back of a truck and then into the median barrier, killing Proeski instantly, crushing the third vertebrae of the neck, although the truck sustained no damage. Proeski was asleep in the front passenger seat at the time of the crash.
After his death, the government of the Republic of Macedonia, gave him the title "Honorable citizen of Macedonia" The government organized an official state funeral for Proeski, which was held 17 October 2007 in his home town of Krusevo, including military honour ceremonies by the Macedonian army and the National guard, such as a honor guard, a military orchestra and a honorary rifle salute. The funeral, which was broadcasted by the national Macedonian TV was attended by many domestic and foreign delegations.
Source: Tose Proeski official website