Petition - P.F.C ., U.S. Soldier, Corey Clagett

P.F.C, Corey Clagget is 24 years old. He is incarcerated at Ft.Leavenworth Military prison where he will serve the remainder of his 18 yr. sentence for following DIRECT ORDERS from the infamous Col. Michael Steele, who you may know from acting in the movie "Black Hawk Down".

Col. Steele was merely reprimanded for giving these orders, while Corey and 2 other U.S. Soldiers' serve life sentences for serving our country, doing as they were trained and told to do. These Soldier's would still be serving our country if the infamous Col. Michael Steele would not have given orders to "Kill all Iraqi men of military age".This is completely unfair and Injust! Corey is an INFANTRY LEVEL U.S.Soldier, Col. Steele is far from Infantry level. Infants don't know better, they do as they're told, they must be supervised.

Corey needs our support desperately. I've told you the story and provided references. We need you to help fight for him the way he did for us. All we're asking is for you to sign his petition. If any additional info is needed you may contact me.
Kristin Kiser

The link to Corey's Petition is on the reference page as well. Thank you all!
Also visit:

William B. Hunsaker
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William B. Hunsaker is a Specialist of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division. SPC Hunsaker was charged with executing three suspected al-Qaida insurgents that were captured during a raid near Samarra, Iraq on 9 May 2006. The Army originally recommended that SPC Hunsaker and his co-defendants receive the death penalty. SPC Hunsaker's legal team was headed by civilian lawyer, Michael Waddington. He was accused along with Private First Class Corey R. Clagett, Staff Sergeant Raymond L. Girouard, and Specialist Juston R. Graber.
The case made international headlines when evidence revealed that SPC Hunsaker's commander, COL Michael D. Steele, gave orders to "kill all military age males" on the objective. The objective was a confirmed al-Qaida training compound, visited by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. COL Steele is an officer who once commanded a Ranger company sent into Mogadishu, Somalia, on a rescue mission that was recounted in the book and movie "Black Hawk Down."
A team of civilian and military lawyers defended the four soldiers in court proceedings in Tikrit, Iraq and Fort Campbell, KY. After 8 months of legal battles, SPC Juston R. Graber, one of the accused, entered into an agreement with the prosecution to testify against SPC Hunsaker and the other defendants. Facing a mandatory life sentence, SPC Hunsaker and PFC Corey R. Clagett, another defendant, entered plea deals that reduced their maximum sentence to 18 years, making them eligible for parole after 5½ years. At SPC Hunsaker's guilty plea, he told the military judge that by killing three al-Qaida operatives, he believes that he was saving American lives and his actions were a "lesser evil for the greater good."
Meanwhile, COL Steele received a letter of reprimand for his actions and was granted immunity from the 101st Airborne Division Commander.

Here are a few direct links that tell the truth of what happened...








We the undersigned are requesting that Private First Class U.S. Soldier Corey Clagett be released from prison immediately. He was an infantry level Soldier simply doing as he was trained, taught and told upon direct command to do. Corey was fighting for our country. Now we sre fighting for his freedom. Corey has servrd several years in a maximum security military prison already. We believe that's punishment enough for fighting for the United States and doing what he was commanded. The fault of this is not Corey's. No one would have been killed if Col. Michael Steele had not ordered it be done. Col. Steele is clearly to blame, yet he was merely reprimanded. We appreciate your time and know you will do what is right. This case deserves a change!


The Undersigner's
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