Petition to:
Preserve historically-designated "Columbus Park-Prospect Hill Community" in Buffalo, NY
We the undersigned are resolutely opposed to the proposed Peace Bridge Plaza expansion project because it provides no sustaining economic or social benefits to the City of Buffalo and WNY, and irrevocably destroys one of the most stable, vibrant and historically intact communities in WNY.
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We respectfully ask the City of Buffalo to NOT ratify the DEIS or approve the proposed Peace Bridge expansion plan.
We the undersigned are resolutely opposed to the proposed Peace Bridge Plaza expansion project because it provides no sustaining economic or social benefits to the City of Buffalo and WNY, and irrevocably destroys one of the most stable, vibrant and historically intact communities in WNY.
Whereas, the Peace Bridge expansion preferred alternative, as proposed by the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority (PBA), will require:
Whereas, The preferred expansion alternative cannot be built without The Mayor of the City of Buffalo and the Common Council's abandonment of public resources they hold in trust for the benefit of the public.
Whereas, the Mayor and the Common Council recognize that we oppose the City of Buffalo voting to abandon and sell our roads, grant permits, right-of-way access, relinquish any control over the eminent domain process or legislate any actions that would allow the PBA to move forward with any proposed expansion project.
Whereas, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The NY State Department of Environmental Protection (DEC), and The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) has called the DEIS a seriously flawed and incomplete document that fails to meet the requirements of both Federal and State law.
Whereas, the Draft Environmental Impact Study (DEIS) for this expansion has been determined to be incomplete by numerous other public, private and not-for-profit organizations and hundreds of city residents and other regional citizens.
Whereas, the Federal EIS resulted in ONE "build" alternative and patently failed to adequately and fully consider any other identified viable alternatives as required by the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Department of Transportation Act.
Whereas, the Public Bridge Authority's refusal to consider an alternative separating truck traffic to another location, thus alleviating the need for substantial destruction of the neighborhood, and improving efficiency of commercial vehicle operations, encouraging brownfield redevelopment, reclamation of tax base, and reducing environmental and health impacts associated with clearing commercial vehicles in a residential neighborhood.
We respectfully ask the City of Buffalo to NOT ratify the DEIS or approve the proposed Peace Bridge expansion project.
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