I clicked through the links and this statement under "view crew blog" stuck out to me, "we are not a military super power, we are just one ship". The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has extended an open invitation to work in collaboration to be a more effective "force" for the whales. So I don't want to hear that you are "just one ship", reach out to the hand that has been extended and and do the right thing. It was also stated that if the whaling fleet is not recalled to Japan, that Greenpeace "will take nonviolent direct action", seems to me that direct action is more effective when working as part of a fleet rather then "just single ship". The last comment that stuck out to me was "Greenpeace will do whatever it takes to protect the whales", so that being said, I encourage Greenpeace to join forces with Sea Shepherd and truly act on the foundation of justice, compassion and yes your written words.
As someone that has supported your efforts both through donations and actions I am hoping you prove my fears wrong and that you have some covert plan that will knock "my socks off". Greenpeace wants donations, we want to see actions, you want supporters, we want results. Put aside whatever is holding you back from doing something monumental in the effort to protect and preserve the whales, it is time for Greenpeace to "Step It Up" as you ask us to do! For the whales!
December 13, 2007
We click through the links and this statement under "view crew blog" stuck out to us, "we are not a military super power, we are just one ship". The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has extended an open invitation to work in collaboration to be a more effective "force" for the whales. So we don't want to hear that you are "just one ship", reach out to the hand that has been extended and and do the right thing. It was also stated that if the whaling fleet is not recalled to Japan, that Greenpeace "will take nonviolent direct action", seems to me that direct action is more effective when working as part of a fleet rather then "just single ship". The last comment that stuck out to me was "Greenpeace will do whatever it takes to protect the whales", so that being said, we encourage Greenpeace to join forces with Sea Shepherd and truly act on the foundation of justice, compassion and yes your written words.
As individuals that have supported your efforts both through donations and actions we are hoping you prove our fears wrong and that you have some covert plan that will knock "our socks off". Greenpeace wants donations, we want to see actions, you want supporters, we want results. Put aside whatever is holding you back from doing something monumental in the effort to protect and preserve the whales, it is time for Greenpeace to "Step It Up" as you ask us to do! For the whales!
Mr. John B. Koehler
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