Return abducted Sophia Vivian Turner to her father

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On April 30th 2009 the unthinkable happened!
The beautiful and beloved American toddler Sophia Vivian Turner was abducted from her birth home in Roscoe Illinois, USA and illegally taken to the little known European Republic of Moldova. Sophia is being held there in secret for ransom by an alleged group of international marriage scammers. This site is dedicated to finding and safely returning home our beloved Christian baby to her family.

It is our hope that this website will inform and serve as a resource for anyone willing and capable of offering assistance. Sophia needs your help! Time is limited and we fear that Sophia's conditions will continue to worsen, especially as her captives realize their terms will not be met. This is why Sophia's father Jeffrey Brandon Turner has formed the MISSING SOPHIA FOUNDATION to organize and collect the funds necessary to help get Sophia returned home to her family before it's too late!

We currently have limited options as her captives are still at large from the police. The newly formed Republic of Moldova has limited resources or experience resolving these matters. Moldova is not part of the European Union and is not a signatory of most International laws or conventions. As a result they don't honor or follow customary parental and children's rights nor are they likely to recognize the lawful processes concluded here in the United States. Local US law enforcement, including the FBI and the Department of State are working diligently but can not operate in Moldova. Charges have been filed in Moldova but the legal process is slow and not responsive. There are many layers of bureaucratic red tape that are causing mounting legal fees, expensive search efforts and travel expenses to and from Moldova. It has been extremely costly and overwhelming. Meanwhile Sophia is being held in terrible conditions to force her father to financial and custodial terms favorable to her mother and to those within the group that benefit from her ransom.

We would also ask that you please keep Sophia in your prayers!

Summary of events
Most of the details of her abduction and case are currently still classified until law enforcement concluded their investigation.

Here is what can be disclosed (highlights):
On November 1st, 2005 Jeffrey B. Turner married Olga Civartetcaia, an English/Russian speaking Moldavian from Glodeni Moldova. They moved together in their new home in Roscoe Illinois USA later that week. On February 15th 2007 Sophia Vivian Turner was born in Rockford Illinois USA, not far from Roscoe. All was presumed well until on April 17th 2009 after a six month visit to the US, Olga's father Platon Civartetcii ("herein Plato") packed his bags with all of Mr. Turner's important financial and identity documents, all of Mr. Turner's jewelry, cash on hand and many other valuables from Mr. Turner's home and left to Moldova from Chicago O'Hare airport.

On April 30th, 2009 Mr. Turner's wife Olga Civartetcia left from Chicago O'Hare airport under the guise of returning to Moldova to renew her passport and to help her mother. Mr. Turner was unaware that her passport was actually renewed the previous year and in Olga's bags were every picture and important family video, as well as Olga's belongings. On May 1st, 2009 Mr. Turner had become aware of the theft and also discovered several clues that gave him reason to believe Olga left permanently.

On May 17th Mr. Turner traveled to Moldova. Upon arrival on May 18th; and shocked that Mr. Turner followed in pursuit, a notice from Olga was received by email which included her plans to divorce and to remain in Moldova with Sophia and to deny access to Sophia unless Mr. Turner agreed and submitted to her terms for divorce.

On May 19th Mr. Turner spoke with Olga and via phone conference to America, had Mr. Turner's attorney explain and discuss the plans for filing immediate divroce within next 5-6 days in America. With receipt of this news, Olga left immediately. On May 20th during a planned meeting with Olga's representatives, a police officer part of the conspiracy, attended and threatened Mr. Turner with 7 years prison for explaining to Olga that he was filing divorce in America. Their goal was to prevent Mr. Turner from beginning the process before they could in Moldova. This is because U.S. courts would be unwilling to accept the unreasonable terms outlined by Olga and her conspirators and in accordance to the Hague convention regarding acceptance of foreign documents, the divorce processes started and concluded first is to be upheld. After receipt of repeated threats by Olga's lawyer, Mr. Turner left the building.

On May 20th 2009 Mr. Turner retained the legal services of Mr. Bolea in Chisinau Moldova.

Sophia was first seen May 21st during a sanctioned hostage meeting to prove they held Sophia. At the conclusion of the meeting Sophia was taken by force from Mr. Turner. During this incident Olga's father Plato assaulted Mr. Turner to prevent Mr. Turner from keeping Sophia - while Sophia was taken into hiding by the other criminals.

On May 25th, 2009 Mr. Turner's Moldavian attorneys received verbal notification by Olga's representatives of her intent to ransom with unusual demands and refused to return Sophia until Mr. Turner submitted to the terms without contest. On May 27th evidence was uncovered that revealed Plato and Olga were operating a planned marriage scam dating prior to Mr. Turner and Olgas marriage and her plans to relocate to Western Europe, namely Belgium and The Netherlands - with intent to find a new wealthier victim.

On May 26th 2009 Mr. Turner's family attorney Mr. Chostner filed for divorce on Mr. Turner's behest in Winnebago country Illinois USA because this was Olga and Mr. Turner's legal residence.

On June 3rd 2009, unable to locate or speak with Sophia, and all available measures exhausted, Mr. Turner returned to the US without Sophia.

On June 9th 2009, Mr. Turner attended court in Rockford Illinois USA to provide a progress report to the court on the case. All necessary documents were than copied and forwarded to the Embassy and to Mr. Turner's legal representation.

On June 23rd 2009, Mr. Turner retained Miss Macari as secondary legal council in Moldova, after suspecting Mr. Bolea (Mr. Turner's Moldavian divorce attorney) for corruption and possible incompetence.

On July 9th, 2009 Mr. Turner concluded a legal divorce in Rockford Illinois USA and was granted full custody of Sophia.

On July 14th Mr. Turner returned to Moldova to locate his daughter and to attend the Moldavian divorce process began on June 1st by Olga and her conspirators. On July 15th she was located and during the attempt to visit Sophia, Mr. Turner, his driver and translator were violently assaulted by Plato and Olga. The bloody attack by Plato was particularly harmful to Mr. Turner who has suffered nerve damage to his right hand. Sophia, whom was being guarded by Mr. Turner was struck by Plato several times until Olga grabbed her and fled. Charges were filed against Plato and Olga for assault and kid napping, which remain under investigation.

On July 17th Mr. Turner attended the opening process of divorce initiated by Olga and her conspirators in Chisinau Moldova. During this process, realizing pending charges were filed, realizing the scam was exposed, Olga re-canted her ransom position to the judge and asked for a divorce granting her parents custody of Sophia (not Olga) and legal rights to discuss payments after custody was awarded.

On July 20th 2009, after discovering attorney Bolea was in fact only a law-student and not a legal attorney, and after repeated, taped in secret sessions revealed discrepancies in his actions; Mr. Turner had attorney Macari notify Mr. Bolea that he was relieved from his services for allegations of corruption, extortion and for incorrectly following legal procedures. Mr. Turner left Moldova shortly after in fear of his safety. During the first two weeks of August 2009, Mr. Turner has received several phone calls, one of which was from Mr. Bolea's wife, threatening Mr. Turner and warning of his continued actions against the case.

Mr. Turner is set to return to Moldova September 17th 2009 with the intention to present the divorce concluded in the USA and in accordance to the 1963 Hague convention signed by Moldova and the US, to accept the US divorce as legal divorce in Moldova - effectively ending the divorce. The problem is that Moldova did not sign the convention regarding children's rights and so it is not expected that Moldova will honor the custody rights granted by US Courts. It is also likely that Moldavian court may simply ignore international law regarding acceptance of foreign documents and may continue the illegal divorce in Moldova to benefit Olga and her conspirators.

The US Embassy in Moldova, local, FBI and Moldavian police has been unable to locate and/or communicate with Sophia's or her mother and some of the captors.

We the undersigned state the following:

  1. We believe it would be wrong to grant sole custody of Sophia Vivian Civartetcaia-Turner to Olga Civartetcaia in light of the following:

    1. Custody was already granted to Sophia's father, Jeffrey B. Turner and this was denied by Olga through abduction and concealing Sophia

    2. Olga has been convicted in Moldova for crimes related to Sophia's abduction and assault to Sophia's father Mr. Turner

    3. Olga is wanted by local and Federal police in the US for abduction & theft

    4. Olga has illegally abducted Sophia from her birth home in the US for the purpose of engaging in a marriage scam; using Sophia as leverage for financial gain

    5. Olga desires to have her parents raise Sophia so that she can remain without Sophia in Chisinau or abroad for work and seeking men.

  2. We believe it would be wrong to grant custody to Larisa or Platon Civartetcii in view of:

    1. Sophia still has her natural parents alive and that her father, Mr. Turner seeks to raise her and has proven history as a father; already jointly raising Sophia's older sister old Carol Ruth Turner.

    2. Platon having a criminal record

    3. Lack of employment by Platon for the past 15 years and limited resources including food & facilities to support the family during the winter

  3. We believe it would be unconscionable to require Sophia to remain in Moldova given

    1. She is a natural born US Citizen; that Moldavian citizenship was gained automatically and based on documents stolen and illegally presented by Olga

    2. Would have limited options growing up in a poor family in a small village of Moldova as compared to her life in America.

    3. Unfit conditions she would be raised in, without running water or bathroom facilities

    4. Sophia would be unable to see or share her life with her older sister Carol Ruth Turner in America.

We request that Judge Biraz take all appropriate actions to ensure that the sanctity of Sophia's future be upheld. That Sophia should not be forced to remain with potentially unfit relatives that have limited ability to support or provide a positive future for Sophia and might raise Sophia immorally. That the commitment be made to honor the intent and spirit of the Hague Treaties regarding child abduction; regardless of Moldova's current official position with the US. Additionally, we ask that he appeal to Olga to release Sophia to Mr. Turner and discontinue criminal behavior. That in contrast to Olga's behavior, Mr. Turner has shown that he would not withhold or deny Olga visitation to Carol Ruth Turner nor would he once Sophia is returned.

We request that all elected and appointed Moldavian and American officials work to ensure and expedite the return of Sophia Vivian Civartetcaia-Turner to her father, Jeffrey B. Turner.

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