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Tara’s Petition Caught the Attention of the New York Times and Resulted in a Happy Ending for Diggy & Dan!
Dan Tillery and Diggy the American Bulldog knew, upon meeting, that they were meant for each other. Diggy had been at the shelter for months waiting for a forever home, and Dan was eager to provide it.

Their first selfie as an official family was so adorable that it went viral, but that spelled bad news for Diggy and Dan. Police saw Diggy’s pic and assumed he was a pit bull -- a banned breed in Dan’s township.

When Care2 member, Tara Vitale, heard this news, she created a Care2 petition demanding that Diggy be allowed to stay with his new family. More than 110,00 people signed, which attracted major media attention. Now, Diggy is home with Dan and getting all of the love he deserves.
Brigham Young University to Stop Punishing Rape Victims.
Madi Barney was a student at BYU, a Mormon university, when she was raped. After she reported her sexual assault to the police, the university responded by investigating her to see if she’d violated their “honor code” -- which prohibits alcohol, coffee, and premarital sex.

Madi was not willing to stand by and be victimized by the very institution that should have offered her support, so she started a Care2 petition demanding amnesty for all BYU sexual assault survivors. After seven months of tireless advocacy, rallies, and collecting 117,000 signatures, her petition was successful! Because of Madi, BYU will be a safer place for all students.
MetLife Speaks Up for Chimps Abandoned to Die
When Donny Moss heard that the New York Blood Center (NYBC) had abandoned 67 former research chimps to die on barren islands, he was horrified. The non-profit had experimented on the chimpanzees for more than 30 years, and had promised to care for them upon their release.

Donny decided he had to be the chimps’ voice, so he and the organization Their Turn created a Care2 petition. Following the money, they selected multinational corporation MetLife as the recipient of their petition. Since MetLife is NYBC’s largest donor, they had the power to compel NYBC to honor their agreement to care for the chimps.

After more than 127,000 signatures and countless protests at MetLife headquarters, Donny’s petition was successful! The company issued a statement condemning the NYBC and has even suspended funding until the Center resolves the chimp abandonment crisis.
Tammy Marie and Terry Jo Took a Stand Against Racist County Officials, and Won!
Shortly after Donald Trump was elected President, Pamela Taylor Ramsey, a Clay County, West Virginia official made a disturbing Facebook post. She said, “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing an Ape in Heels.” Not long after, Clay mayor Beverly Whaling endorsed the post.

When Clay County residents, Tammy Marie Rose and Terry Jo Stone, saw this exchange, they were outraged. They started a Care2 petition demanding both government officials be fired for the racist comment.

Within just a few days, their Care2 petition gathered more than 160,000 signatures and attracted national media coverage. Four days later, Ramsey had been removed from her post, Whaling resigned, and local political parties publicly announced renewed efforts to oppose racism.


Starting a Care2 petition is easy, and we help you— for free!

Our petitions team is made up of people who are dedicated to the causes you care about, so we’re personally invested in your success! Simply start your petition (don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be perfect) and get the first 5+ signatures.

We can help:

  1. Optimize it for Facebook
  2. Promote it
  3. Get news coverage
  4. Support on the ground protests

Questions? Need Help? Contact Us!

Care2 helped us drive over 94,000 signatures on our petition to defend the Arctic. The staff mobilized supporters, creating impact that resonates.
Whitney Clapper,
Global Brand + Enviro Marketing Manager


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