Ruperta the African Elephant is SICK and NEGLECTED. HELP NOW TO RELOCATE HER!

  • by: Concerned venezuelans
  • recipient: Zoologico de Caricuao, Inparques, Ministerio de Ecosocialismo y Agua

Ruperta is a 46-year-old African elephant, living in captivity at the Caricuao Zoo Park in Caracas Venezuela.

On Friday, March 24th, Ruperta fell and was unable to stand by her own due to her state of dehydration, which was a result of malnutrition and diarrhea. Firefighters from the neighborhood helped to lift her up. People nearby collected food to help feed the animal, but the zoo didn't accept it because of "security reasons".

Some workers of the Inparques union, the organization that regulates zoos in Venezuela, have made official complaints against the government to help find a solution for the food problem at Venezuelan zoos, but they have heard no response.

So, what we want with this petition is to have good living conditions guaranteed for Ruperta, and to relocate her to an animal sanctuary. We need to remember that Ruperta is an elephant, and an endangered specie protected by international laws that are being violated right now by having the elephant in this condition. Let's raise our voice in defense of those who can not speak, and guarantee the life and living conditions that this beautiful animal deserves. The world is fighting to save elephants from extinction, while they die in Venezuela locked up in zoos/

Elephants are near extinction — we need to guarantee the life of those who are still alive! Let's give Ruperta the opportunity to have the life she deserves!

Ruperta is a 46 year old African elephant, living in captivity at the Caricuao Zoo Park in Caracas Venezuela.

On Friday 24th she fell and was unable to stand by her own due to her state of dehydration result of malnutrition and diarrea . Firefighters of the neighborhood helped to lift her up. People near by collected food to help feed the animal, but the zoo didn't accept it because of "security reasons".

Some workers of the Inparques union, the organization that regulates zoos in Venezuela, have made official complaints against the goverment to help find a solution to the food problem of venezuelan zoos, having no response.

So, what we want with this petition is to have the life conditions of Ruperta to be guaranteed, and relocate her in an animal sanctuary. We need to remember that Ruperta is an elephant, and endangered specie protected by international laws that are being violated right now having the elephant in this condition. Lets raise our voice in defense of those who can not speak, and guarantee the life and living conditions that this beautiful animal deserve. The world is fighting to save elephants from extinction, while they die in Venezuela locked up in zoos

Update #36 years ago
Hello everyone. Bad news on Ruperta. She fell again in her enclosed space because her health hasn't recuperate totally from the last episode of desnutrition. Let's keep this petition alive. Ruperta NEEDS to be relocated!!
Update #26 years ago
Dear signers: After Caricuao's zoo director was removed, Ruperta has been under the correct care and health control, she is improving, and healthy. She is still in the zoo, possibilities of relocation are very low, but at least she is receiving the care and attention she deserves. The fight is not over. I'll keep you up to date. THANK YOU for caring!
Update #17 years ago
Dear signers! Good News! Last June 15th 2017 the Caricuao Zoo director Erick Lenarduzzi was removed from his duties due to poor management of the zoo. This brings hope to the animals still leaving there. Ruperta is still there but at least in better conditions. Thank you for the support!!
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