This here´s an article (in German) from the TAZ newspaper that says that France gives in to all the protests from some shepherds who fear for their sheep and plans to kill at least 36 of the endangered wolves only in the season 2015/2016!!! I ask the President from France, Francois Hollande, to stop this horror, there´re easy ways to save the sheep from being hunted by wolves, like low-electricity fences, fences with ringing cans on it or good shepherd dogs like Kangals that keep the wolves away from the sheep. And if you look at other countries like Italy, the shepherds get paid if one of their sheep´s been hunted and injured or killed nevertheless, but WHY KILL THESE ENDANGERED ANIMALS who´re very intelligent, social and endangered??? And they´re the original fathers of our belowed dogs too...!5238909/
Contact, Mr. Hollande on FB: