Make all NHL professional ice hockey players boycott Pyeongchang 2018 winter Olympics in South Korea. @NHL @nhlpa

  • by: Yoshi M
  • recipient: NHL office and NHL organizations.

This is the update on February 1st, 2017. NHL decided to hold the decision of the participation for the winter Olympic games in South Korea. This is of course a good news but the reason is not in our favor. They are not happy with the support from IOC and the Olympic organization. But this situation gives us a time to convince them not to participate unless South Korea changes the law to forbid this cruelty. So let's continue to collect signs as many as possible to give them a good reason to protest against the animal cruelty.

I love ice hockey, and all those NHL hockey players are my heroes. Therefore I can't stand if they participate the 2018 winter Olympic game in Pyeongchang, South Korea since the people in Korea trade and eat dog meats in their country. I know all those NHL hockey players love dogs so much, and even some of them are dog rescuers. And since the ice hockey competition is one of the major event in the winter Olympic game if they do not attend, it will be a huge damage to the Olympic game organizer in South Korea. I will send this petition to the NHL headquarter and 30 NHL organizations in US and Canada. And if they refuse our requests, I will make other petitions to make fans not to attend NHL games and watch their games in television! I know that's gonna kill me because I'm a huge fan of ice hockey game. But now it's time to stand up for the poor dogs!

To whom it may concern,

Hello sir. My name is Yoshitaka Murata from Long Beach, CA. I'm a big fan of NHL for more than 15 years, and enjoting the exciting game on TV and stadium.

But now this very serious concern hits me, and I've been disturbed by this unbelieveable siuation in South Korea. Yes, they are consuming dogs as their food! Now since the next winter Olympic games will be hosted by South Korea in 2018. I thought maybe we could force Korean government to forbidden dog eating once in for all.

In the winter Olyimpic games, ice hockey is one of the major event, and since all those professional players around the world participate, it must be the most profitable event for the Olympic game organizer.

So please consider the possiblility that if NHL and players do not commit to participate, Korean government might consider banning dog eating in their country.

I know all those NHL players love dogs so much. So if you decide to participate, that's fine. We will keep collecting the signatures (I started this petition 1/17/2017. We collected almost 2,000 singatures in 9 days), and I will call for the protest against NHL, no watch NHL games and no attend for the games.

I believe this is the oppotunity presented for us to make the world better. And I am the strong believer that such a great sport can make a big difference for fans and people.

Thank you for reading,

Yoshitaka Murata

3914 Clark Ave.

Long Beach, CA 90808


Update #18 years ago
Here is the update for our petition. NHL is still holding the decision to participate the winter Olympic games in South Korea. The reason is about the financial support from IOC and the Koren Olympic organization. But we still have a time to affect their decision if we can make them understand the situation. So let's keep protesting and let them know what the true honorable thing to do as our sports heroes.
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