Media Giants To Privatize Our Internet - Support a Free and Open Network

The internet is our most democratic medium. It has grown exponentially, fueled innovation and altered how we communicate. Network neutrality, the principle that internet users should be able to access any web content or applications they choose without restrictions or limitations imposed by their internet service provider, is the guiding principle that has allowed for these advancements.
Now, corporate interests want to violate the principle of network neutrality in order to increase their own profit margins. They must not be allowed to destroy the free and open culture of the web!
Telecommunications companies like AT&T and Verizon are lobbying Congress for the right to control where you go on the internet, how fast you get there, and how much you pay for the service. In other words, your favorites websites and blogs might be left in the slow lane of the information superhighway.
Our first step is to send a strong message to the big industry execs. Tell them that the principle of net neutrality needs to be honored, and that internet service providers (ISPs) should not play gatekeepers.
Sign this petition to make your voice heard loud and clear!
Dear [CEO],
I support network neutrality, and I am dismayed by comments I've seen recently that indicate you want to see dramatic changes to the way the Internet operates.
[your comment here]
Net neutrality is the reason this democratic medium has grown exponentially, fueled innovation and altered how we communicate. For-profit interests should not be allowed to destroy the democratic culture of the web.
I strongly urge you to oppose policies that permit network operators to block, impede or interfere with any lawful Internet traffic, now or in the future.
[your name]
[your address]
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