Ensure Passing of Leash Law for All Dogs

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: County Commissioner

Authorities in the Palm Beach area are considering but still not sure about passing a leash law for all dogs. Such a law would be beneficial and safer for all concerned. Dogs that roam the streets unleashed can be in danger of getting hitting by cars, have altercations with other aggressive animals or cause fear and harm to humans. Responsible pet ownership should include keeping all dogs leashed in public areas.

Exceptions to a leash law may include the use of a dog park where the animals can be in a safe environment with other dogs to frolic and play together or in the privacy of your own fully-fenced-in yard. Just be aware that if you have a fearful or aggressive dog, safely confining it and avoiding dog parks may be in your best interest.

Palm Beach is currently considering passing a leash law for all dogs so it may be time to purchase your best, favorite leash to use in walking your pet safely and securely. Such a law would be a safer option for yourself, your dog and others that your pet may encounter. Help us in our efforts, by signing and sharing this petition, to encourage authorities in Palm Beach to move forward with their thoughts about implementing this leash law. It would be a positive move with the best interest of the dogs and owners in mind.

County Commissioner – It is pleasing to know that you are considering a leash law for Palm Beach and are urging you to move forward in making a decision to implement a leash law for all dogs. It would be in the best interest of all dogs and their owners to have any and all dogs be required to have a leash on except when fully confined in their own yards or at a safe dog park. Implement and enforce dog leash laws that would guarantee the safety of the dog and others it may encounter.

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