Join The Movement To End Animal Testing. Pledge To Buy Cruelty-Free Products.

Did you know that in this day and age animals are still being used to test cosmetics in the United States? The terrible truth is animals are enduring painful and often deadly experiments to test products like lipstick, deodorant, and cologne.
This needless cruelty doesn't have to continue. There are plenty of alternatives to animal testing already. We have thousands of existing ingredients that can be used and there are already non-animal safety tests available for exploring new ingredients.
Each of us can make a difference by committing to purchasing cruelty-free personal care products like Schmidt's Natural Deodorant. Not only are Schmidt's products vegan and natural — our deodorants and every single ingredient in them are certified cruelty-free by the Leaping Bunny program, which is operated by the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics.
Over 30 countries have banned animal testing for cosmetics – yet North America has yet to act on this issue. It’s time we show our leaders and cosmetic companies that we will not buy products tested on animals.
Sign the pledge today to buy cruelty-free products. By standing together we can save the lives of animals and end this unnecessary and inhumane practice.
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