The elephants are forced to walk for hours, struggling in the heat to walk up that steep hill. The mahouts hit them in the heads with there fists or there sticks. It is heart breaking to know they have to walk 30 minutes to even get to Amber Fort then they have to walk 2 people plus the trainer up a very steep hill. About half way you can see they are struggling from exhaustion and being over heated. Elephants temperature runs 107 add heat carrying 3 people up hill for 3 hours! !! They will throw spit out their trunks on their bodies to cool themselves down. Its very sad to see these poor sweet animals struggle and be hit in the head because they are hot and tired! ! Hundreds and hundreds of people ride everyday! Some elephant owners dont retire their elephants when the time closes for rides at 11:00am, you will see them still giving rides after 5:00pm. That is 9 hours of non-stop in the heat with no water no way to cool their bodies, also no food is given as long as they work! You see the struggle in every slow step they take. Constantly flapping their ears faster trying to cool themselves! Injured and unfit elephants, including blind ones, are forced to work! Chains or hobbles with spikes or sharp edges are used to restrain the elephants .Elephants are continuously tethered or chained by more than one foot.
Elephants' ears have been mutilated . They have serious foot ailments also from walking on the hot pavement. Stereotypic behaviour, such as constant swaying, head-bobbing, etc – the result of severe frustration – indicates serious mental deterioration. You can help. Pledge never to patronise elephant rides or other uses of captive elephants.