President Bush has appointed some real scoundrels over the years, but
Elaine Chao has to be one of the worst.
Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao has done horrible damage to workers' rights by gutting safety regulations, promoting a big business agenda and undermining workers and their unions at every turn.
The policies she could try to push through as she leaves would take years to undo. But if she thinks no one is watching in her last months in office, she's wrong.
Let Elaine Chao know you're one of thousands of Americans holding her accountable!
Dear Secretary Chao,
I'm outraged to learn about your record of gutting safety regulations, promoting a big business agenda, and undermining workers and their unions. It should be your duty to protect the interests of hardworking people like me, not those of corporate America, but that has clearly not been the top priority of the Department of Labor under your leadership.
As a person who cares about workers' rights and the misguided direction of our country, I will be paying attention to the policies and practices of the Department of Labor during the remainder of your time in office. In particular, I am deeply concerned about your demonstrated record of slashing safety and health regulations, ignoring the economic needs of the workforce, botching mine investigations, and advocating against workers' rights. These dangerous and misguided practices must stop.
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It is time to restore the Department of Labor as an agency run on behalf of America's workers.
Please do what's right for hardworking men and women in our country.
Thank you for your time.
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