Tell the European Parliament and Council: Keep Baby Seals Protected
The European Union ban on trade in products of commercial seal hunts has already saved more than one million baby seals, but the ban is being revised and special interest groups are pushing hard to weaken it.
To make the ban WTO compliant, the regulation needs some minor tweaks. The European Commission put forward a very strong proposal, which The HSUS supports. But now the European Parliament and EU Member States must vote on it. Not surprisingly, special interest groups are fighting very hard to undermine the legislation.
We need your help to keep these millions of baby seals protected by showing your support for the European Commission's proposal for the EU ban on trade in products of commercial seal hunts.
Urge the European Parliament and Council to support the Commission's proposal to protect baby seals.
To: The European Parliament and Council,
Subject: Please support the European Commission's proposal on the ban of trade in seal products The European Union ban on trade in products of commercial seal hunts has already saved more than one million baby seals from a horrible fate. It is imperative that the EU protects this life-saving regulation. I support the strong proposal from the European Commission to tweak the EU ban and bring it more fully into compliance with WTO rules. I urge the European Parliament and all EU Member States to support this strong proposal and resist all attempts by commercial sealing advocates to weaken it. [Your comments here] Sincerely, [Your name here]
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