Supreme Court Nominee: Environment Stands to Lose

Tell your senators to keep the Supreme Court fair!
The Supreme Court has the final say on whether to uphold and enforce -- or limit and strike down -- the laws that safeguard our nation's air, water, wildlife, and wilderness. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement means our most basic environmental laws may be in jeopardy.
As a mainstream conservative justice, Justice O'Connor often cast the decisive vote in favor of protecting environmental safeguards enjoyed by all Americans. For this reason, the question of who will fill the vacancy created by her departure holds serious consequences for the future of our environment. Given the President's track record of sending the Senate controversial judicial nominees who are outside the mainstream -- like Janice Rogers Brown and William Myers III -- there is good reason to be concerned.
Earthjustice has led the conservation community's efforts to ensure that those confirmed to lifetime judgeships will fairly uphold and enforce legal safeguards and will not be biased in favor of powerful special interests. We know just how hard we must work to preserve the Supreme Court's vital role in protecting the environment -- and we need your help to make it happen.
Please take action TODAY! Tell your senators to make sure the new Supreme Court justice is not biased against laws that protect our environment!
Update: July 19, 2005
President Bush has officially nominated Judge John G. Roberts, Jr. to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. Given his record on the environment, we have reason for concern. In the coming weeks we will need your continued support as we call on Congress to conduct a thorough investigation of Judge Roberts. Read More.
Support a pro-conservation Supreme Court nominee
Dear Senator [Name],
The Supreme Court plays a vital role in ensuring the protection of public health and our environment, as well as many of the other rights we have come to enjoy as citizens of this great country. In light of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement, it is crucial that you help ensure the Court continues to serve the best interests of all Americans.
As your constituent, I urge you to insist that President Bush meaningfully consult with Democratic and Republican senators before selecting a Supreme Court nominee. I also trust that you will do everything in your power to ensure that any nominee is fair and unbiased, and has a record that demonstrates he or she will fairly uphold and enforce laws that protect our environment.
Justice O'Connor was recommended by a Democratic senator, nominated by President Ronald Reagan, and confirmed unanimously by the Senate. It is important that President Bush select a consensus nominee who will garner the same bipartisan support.
As a U.S. Senator, you are responsible for ensuring that the next nominee to the highest court in the nation will uphold the laws that protect citizens from pollution, safeguard our natural resources from irresponsible exploitation, and conserve our natural heritage for future generations to enjoy.
I hope that the individual appointed to the Supreme Court will [Your personal comments here]
Thank you for considering my input.
[Your Name]
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