Tell Your Leaders That Gulf Coast Restoration Matters to You!

We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to restore America's magnificent Gulf Coast. Now is the time to make sure that the fines from BP and others responsible for the horrific spill in the gulf go back to the birds, wildlife and communities along the coast that need it the most. The Gulf Coast supports migratory birds from all across America, and its natural resources support millions of jobs throughout the nation. Your support for Gulf Coast restoration is critical to rebuilding a healthy ecosystem and economy!
Billions of birds--including dozens of colorful songbird species found in backyards and forests, waterfowl from the Prairie Pothole Region, shorebirds from high in the Arctic, raptors, iconic colonial wading birds of the South, and endangered Whooping Cranes and Piping Plovers--depend on Gulf Coast habitats each year. If we are going to succeed, your elected leaders need to hear that Gulf Coast restoration matters to you and your state.
Dear [Decision Maker], It has been nearly two years since BP's oil started gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, and still the much needed restoration of the gulf has hardly begun. I strongly urge you to support the necessary restoration for the Gulf region. It is long past time that BP and other parties responsible paid for last year's oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Now we need action. BP's harm was done in the gulf region, and BP's fines should be used to restore the region that was harmed. That is just the right thing to do and something nearly all Americans agree on. Strengthening the environment of the gulf region will make it stronger and more resilient so it will continue to be the backbone of our nation's economy and a safe home to the communities that make it a national treasure. The Gulf Coast states contribute more than $2 trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product every year, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Its natural resources support millions of jobs and economic activity throughout the nation, including right here in our state. More than a billion migratory birds from all across the United States depend on Gulf Coast habitats each year, and its estuaries and marshes are some of the most productive in the world providing seafood species and many other forms of wildlife necessary to a healthy ecosystem. Ensuring that Gulf Coast restoration happens is job number one. That in turn will create new jobs now and will help protect the millions of jobs across the country that depend on a healthy Gulf Coast. Please support the health of the Gulf Coast's environment and economy and support gulf restoration now.
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