Tell the GOP to Stop Obstructing the DISCLOSE Act
Following the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, Democrats introduced the DISCLOSE Act to stop special interests and foreign corporations from buying our elections.
But Senate Republicans voted in lockstep to block the DISCLOSE Act from even coming to the Senate floor. They want corporations to help them regain a majority - even if their
methods threaten our democracy.
Americans can't afford to have the GOP standing in the way of the reforms we need. Sign our petition now and tell Republicans to stop obstructing the DISCLOSE Act.
Dear [Decision Maker],
Following the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, Democrats introduced the DISCLOSE Act to stop special interests and foreign corporations from buying our elections.
Unfortunately, Senate Republicans voted in lockstep to block the DISCLOSE Act from even coming to the Senate floor. Americans can't afford to have the GOP standing in the way of the reforms the country needs.
[Your comment will be inserted here.]
The DISCLOSE Act must be considered and voted on in a democratic fashion, and therefore, I urge you to stop obstructing this bill.
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