Will You Tell Us The Truth
Asking HSUS For The Truth About Katrina
We are asking the Humane Society, U.S. to come clean about their Katrina efforts. Why are they refusing to release paperwork to rescuers to help reunite owners? Why are they boasting about the 2,000 reunites of other rescuers, instead of telling the truth about the pitiful number they actually accomplished all by themselves. Why did they go on NPR in November and give out the 800 number hotline, when they knew the line was already disconnected? Why won't they give us exact instead of estimated figures of how much they actually spent on Katrina, and not just lump it in spent and projected. How much money did they really raise. What did they do with it. Why did Wayne Pacelle say it was not their place to rescue while publicly soliciting funds for rescue. Who gave them the legal right to take ownership of family pets and decide a date when the families couldn't have their pets back. What do they know about people who took pets without requiring signed paperwork. What gives them the right to seize personal property, transport it across state lines and claim ownership. What gave them the right to label pets as owner surrender. What pets did they give to people who had no proof of ownership. Just when did they leave New Orleans. And has anyone seen the so-called MASSIVE operation in Mississippi by HSUS. Why are they promoting the pathetic pet legislation. Is it just another way to line their pockets with more grant money for more politics. Why are we letting them get away without telling us the truth and giving us the real answers we and the victims deserve. What gave them the right to decide when it was over. We want answers. We want accountability and responsibility. We want the truth instead of some glorified press release taking credit for other people's work. We want to know who determined their paperwork was legal and did not violate interstate transport laws. We want to know how they determined shelters followed the Asilomar Accords. We want accountability for the pets that were put down. How do they explain putting down a 4 month old puppy as aggressive. Where are the behaviorists and experts they brought in. Where are they now. If you want the truth from HSUS, if you want accoutability and responsibility, if you want to take formal action to do the right thing, please sign this petition.
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