Ask Oregon decision-makers to protect food for wild salmon, marine mammals, and seabirds

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) just released its draft plan to protect several species of forage fish in state waters, from our coast to 3 miles offshore. The agency is accepting public comment on the plan until July 13.
Act now: Send a comment in support of forage fish conservation in Oregon.
Forage fish are vital to ocean health. These unsung heroes of the sea provide food for a multitude of marine wildlife in ocean waters along the Oregon coast. By protecting our marine food web through a state-based plan, ODFW will help sustain the ecological and economic health of Oregon's coastal communities. Our treasured sport and commercial fisheries, as well as whale- and bird-watching, all depend on healthy forage fish populations.
Oregon's proposed plan builds on the landmark protections for dozens of forage fish species in U.S. waters, 3 to 200 miles off the West Coast, finalized earlier this year by federal fishery managers. Commercial fishing for these currently unfished species will not be allowed unless a full analysis shows that such activity won't have an adverse impact on other fisheries or the overall ecosystem.
Now it's time to protect forage fish in state waters. After all, these little fish are a big deal for Oregon.
Show your support for protecting food for wild salmon, marine mammals, and seabirds today.
Dear Director Melcher:
I am writing in support of the draft Oregon Forage Fish Management Plan from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW). This plan represents a critical step toward ensuring a healthy prey base for ocean wildlife such as salmon, steelhead, marine mammals, and seabirds.
Many of these forage fish species—including sand lance and several types of smelt and squid—are fished in other parts of the world. By protecting six broad groups of forage fish not currently targeted by commercial fishing in Oregon waters, the Oregon Forage Fish Management Plan will not only help to conserve our marine food web but will also require asking questions about impacts before a fishery begins, rather than after. This is the kind of precautionary approach needed to sustain our ocean resources, including our most valuable recreational and commercial fisheries, now and for future generations.
Please adopt and implement the Oregon Forage Fish Management Plan as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration of my comments, and for ODFW's work to protect the forage base that supports our fisheries, marine wildlife, and coastal communities.
[Your name]
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