Tell New Mexico's Governor to Save New Mexico's Last Free-flowing River
New Mexico's Gila River is a biological gem in peril. The forests along its banks house one of the highest concentrations of breeding birds in the country — including rare Yellow-Billed Cuckoos. Its waters sustain loach minnow, spike dace and Gila trout.
All if this could be lost if a boondoggle water diversion project is allowed to go forward. There's still time to stop it, if we act today.
The Gila is the last free-flowing river in New Mexico and the project would destroy this river as we know it. The costs, both financial and ecological are enormous. The benefits are speculative at best.
Take action today — urge Governor Martinez to intervene and stop this billion dollar boondoggle and instead advocate for cost-effective, non-diversion alternatives to protect the Gila River and secure New Mexico's water and wildlife future.
Dear Governor Martinez: As you know, the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) issued a decision to move forward with a Gila River diversion project under the Arizona Water Settlements Act (AWSA). The conclusion reached by the ISC is riddled with uncertainty, fiscally irresponsible and ecologically harmful. The good news, you still have time to intervene and demonstrate leadership on a West-wide issue of importance--cost effective and wise use of water through state-of-the-art municipal and agricultural conservation practices, sustainable groundwater management, water recycling, and reducing wasted water. A Gila River diversion is expensive, with estimates now topping $1 billion. Taxpayers, irrigators and rate payers will have to pick up the tab for hundreds of millions of dollars not covered by the federal subsidy available under the AWSA. In addition, New Mexicans will have to pay millions more each year to Arizona to use Gila River water and to maintain the diversion, pipeline, and storage infrastructure. During drought years the project may yield no water. A diversion would negatively impact the unique ecology of the Gila River area which currently supports local food production, mining, the area's recreation economy and one-of-a-kind riparian forest and river habitat that sustains six threatened and endangered species and is an important breeding and migration route for over 200 birds. Governor, we look to you for stewardship and fiscal prudence. Do not put the billion dollar burden of a Gila River diversion project on your taxpayer's shoulders. You still have the opportunity to intervene with the Department of the Interior and halt this ill-advised project. [Your comment here] Sincerely, [Your name here]
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