In 1958, Congress passed the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act to prevent and reduce the most egregious forms of animal cruelty in livestock slaughterhouses. The problem? The law only protects cows, pigs, and other mammals.
Nearly sixty years later, billions of chickens and turkeys in the US are still killed without key legal protections against the most cruel and inhumane methods of killing.
Worse, hundreds of thousands of birds are killed each year while still conscious, according to animal welfare advocates. They are hung from their feet, doused in electrified water, and killed.
It doesn't have to be this way. No matter how you feel about eating meat and the meat industry, chickens and turkeys who are killed should at least be spared from these cruel slaughter practices.
Take a stand against cruelty. Urge Congress to amend the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act to protect chickens and turkeys and to specifically prohibit the killing of birds who are conscious.
Dear Decision Maker,
As someone who cares about preventing cruelty to animals, I strongly urge you to do whatever you can to amend the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act to protect chickens and turkeys and to specifically prohibit the killing of birds who are conscious.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of birds are killed while still conscious, according to animal welfare advocates. They are hung from their feet, doused in electrified water, and killed.
[Your comments here]
No matter how you feel about eating meat and the meat industry, chickens and turkeys who are killed should at least be protected from the cruelest slaughter practices.
[Your name]