To Environment Zimbabwe Minister Mr. Saviour Kasukuwere, to Minister of Zimbabwe Tourism Mr. Walter Mzembi,
It is with great surprise, disbelief and sadness, that I heard about the new capture of elephants in your beautiful Hwange National Park. Up to 62 puppies, the two and a half years and five years, were separated from their herd to be sold in other countries where they will live in captivity.
The capture of elephants and separation from their herd have serious consequences, especially for puppies as for adults remaining. The forced separation, the new environment and long journeys are the cause of suffering and severe trauma to the puppies. It is increasingly common for the capture to cause the death of the elephants. According to information published by the media, one of the puppies caught recently is already dead.
If you allow the sale of other elephants, they will run the same danger: the probability of survival of elephants in captivity is very low - of the four baby elephants sold in China in 2012, only one remains alive.
Please, stop this cruel trade in elephants. In the case of the puppies already captured, speak to and with environmental groups, to ensure that puppies remain in your country, and they are assisted to be integrated back into their herd.
Also, please: reconsider your position with respect to the sale of wild animals. The export of species in danger of extinction in order to show them in zoos and circuses abroad contradicts the tourist image of Zimbabwe, as a natural and rich paradise.
Best regards.