Congress: Don't Cut America's Most Important Conservation Program

A battle is looming over America's public lands.
Over its 50-year history, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has been America's most important conservation program. LWCF is the only federal program dedicated to preserving our national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, wilderness, Civil War battlefields and other historic sites, and working forests.
And it doesn't use any of Americans' tax dollars.
It comes from money paid by oil and gas companies who want to drill in offshore waters owned by all Americans.
But Congress is trying to cut this critical conservation program. LWCF is supposed to receive $900 million a year from oil and gas companies, but the House of Representatives has proposed just $152 million—only about one-sixth of the money LWCF is supposed to receive!
This attempt to limit the use and effectiveness of LWCF is a shame. And if citizens across the U.S. don't stand up and demand that LWCF's funding be restored, it will expire at the end of September without congressional reauthorization. Congress should provide the full $900 million funding for the program, and they should pass a bipartisan bill recently introduced that would permanently reauthorize the LWCF Act.
Please sign the petition today to help The Trust for Public Land send a message to Congress that we must ensure America's public lands get the protection they deserve!
Dear [Representative]:
I care deeply about America's natural heritage, so I am alarmed that many in Congress are trying to sell off federal lands to the highest bidder. These lands belong to the American people, and we have a right to them. It would be a tragedy for our nation and future generations to lose these special landscapes to reckless development and misuse.
I am also concerned that the 50 year old Land and Water Conservation Fund will expire this year —even though a majority of Americans from both sides of the political aisle support the preservation of our public lands.
[Your comment will be added here]
Congress must act now to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. I urge you to use the full power of your office to uphold the will of the American people and protect our nation's public lands. Thank you.
[Your name]
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