This Election, Stop the Attacks on Canada's Environment!

Canada's environment is under attack and this election, it needs your vote. Will you pledge to vote for strong environmental laws this election?
For decades, Canadians have depended on our federal government to safeguard our families and nature from pollution, toxic contamination and other environmental harms.
But not any more.
In 2012, the federal government passed two omnibus "budget" bills, Bill C-38 and C-45, which gutted Canada's main laws protecting our environment. The changes repealed Canada's climate change law, weakened protection of fish and fish habitat, removed legal protection from over 99% of Canada's lakes and rivers, and shut Canadians out of decisions that affect them.
Tens of thousands of Canadians opposed the changes, including former Fisheries Ministers, scientists, First Nations and conservation groups, but the government rammed the changes through intact.
Canada can do better.
West Coast Environmental Law is working with groups across Canada to build a suite of strong, lasting legal protection to safeguard our ecosystems, species, water and climate. But to get those laws enacted, we need Ottawa on board.
Take the Pledge today: Let the world know that this election, you are voting environment!
Authorized by the West Coast Environmental Law Association
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