Subject Line: Public comment on Keystone XL pipeline
Dear [Decisionmaker]
I'm writing to urge you to reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline is a bad deal for Nebraskans and a bad deal for America. It puts the interest of a foreign oil company above the rights of landowners, farmers, ranchers, and Native Nations; risks water supplies for millions of Americans; and threatens special natural places like Nebraska’s Sandhills.
Keystone XL poses a grave and immediate threat to every community it cuts through. It would carry 830,000 barrels of the world's dirtiest oil – tar sands – every day from Alberta, Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast. It would be responsible for 37.7 million cars worth of annual greenhouse gas emissions each year – a disaster for our climate. A report by a professor at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln estimated that the pipeline could have 91 significant spills in 50 years.
TransCanada wants to use eminent domain for private gain in order to take private land from American citizens. Eminent domain for private gain by a foreign oil pipeline company sets a dangerous legal precedent of transferring American land to corporations. The contracts TransCanada forces on to landowners restricts the use of their own land. Farmers cannot build structures, plant trees or put in water lines. The route at times cuts right in the middle of a field putting an undue burden on farmers and ranchers. It would affect at least one Bald Eagle nest in the Sandhills as well as habitat for whooping cranes and sandhill cranes. Keystone XL would also cross Sioux treaty lands and near several other tribal reservations and the historic Ponca Trail of Tears, so Tribal Nations in Nebraska must be properly consulted.
Keystone XL also crosses the Ogallala Aquifer, which is one of the country's largest sources of freshwater. A spill in the aquifer would threaten the drinking water for millions of Americans as well as the livelihood of local ranchers and farmers. The proposed pipeline route will be within one mile of 2,398 Nebraska water wells, in addition to 523 in Montana and 105 in South Dakota. 1,115 of Nebraskan wells within one mile of the proposed pipeline route are classified as shallow or very shallow.
It’s clear that Keystone XL would help a foreign oil company profit at the expense of communities in Nebraska and across the country. It would trample on landowner rights and Indigenous rights, threaten water for drinking and agriculture, put the Nebraska Sandhills at risk of devastating oil spills, and harm our climate. Your decision will have an impact not just in Nebraska but throughout the country and to our global climate. I urge you to protect our communities by rejecting Keystone XL.
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