Tell the USDA: Puppy Mill Dogs Need Better Care!

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is in charge of creating and enforcing Animal Welfare Act regulations, which are supposed to protect dogs at puppy mills. But the care standards in the current regulations are much too low, and dogs are suffering terribly.
That's why, The Humane Society of the United States and partner groups filed a legal petition with the USDA in September, urging them to improve the standards of care for dogs in commercial breeding facilities.
We've asked that dogs at commercial breeding facilities be provided with more exercise, safer housing, and better vet care. Our request would also put limits on the number of times a dog can be bred and require breeders to work with rescues to find homes for retired or unwanted dogs rather than destroying them.
Sadly, the USDA has not yet responded to the legal petition. These dogs deserve better and it's up to us to pressure the department to do the right thing.
Sign the petition and urge the USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to respond to The HSUS's legal petition to create better living conditions for dogs!
Dear Secretary Vilsack,
The Humane Society of the United States and partner groups filed a legal petition with the USDA in September, urging the agency to improve the standards of care for dogs by updating the Animal Welfare Act regulations.
The requested changes would provide dogs at commercial breeding facilities with more exercise, safer housing, better vet care, would limit the number of times a dog can be bred and require breeders to work with rescues to find homes for retired or unwanted dogs rather than destroying them.
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Please respond to The HSUS's petition and make it a priority to provide a better quality of life for dogs.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
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