California is in it's worst drought ever having just one year of fresh water left in the reserves, this is critical!! With this being known and while citizens are being told to conserve or be fined, why are the car wash business's, commercial properties and individual cities still using water normally? Car washes should be closed down at once! Small and large businesses must stop watering their landscaped properties and individual city landscape watering should cease immediately!!
California has just one year left in her water reserves and on her way to soon becoming a dust bowl.
With everyday citizens being fined for improper water usage along with the new shower mandate set into place for citizens of California is not such a bad idea. However, water usage is at the same time being utilized by car wash business's government and corporations on a normal basis without any conservation mandates set into place whatsoever. In northern California Glacier water company has been sucking up and bottling the water for profit for years and has helped in drying up the water reserves in California. All car washes, city and large & small business landscape watering and above all things stop the chemical atmoshere spaying which is heating up and causing high pressure thus preventing the rain from falling. All the aforementioned should be stopped immediately whithout any hesitation. More recycling methods for water usage both in the public and private sector also needs to be implemented immediately, in order to maximize conservation and water sustainability in the state of California.