Kids in New Zealand are being encouraged to slaughter possums by the hundreds by any means necessary. These kill fests include drowning their young, shooting them and even using their corpses as entries into the macabre dead possum costume contest.
And the worst part these are all sanctioned by their schools. These possum culls stem from the fact that possums are an invasive species in New Zealand. The animals do cause real ecological damage. But schools should not be encouraging children to take life so lightly. And certainly shouldn’t be encouraging the morbid practice of dead animal dress up.
Instead kids should be taught the value of life and why it is important to respect all living things no matter what. Neglecting to do so could result in dire consequences. There are plenty of studies that show an irrefutable link between violence against animals and and violence against people. Many of the world's most heinous violent criminals got their start torturing or killing animals.
Promoting these “hunts” and contests instills a flippant disregard and lack of compassion for the lives of other living things. Please sign the petition. It is time the New Zealand government step in and ban school sponsored slaughters. Tell New Zealand the world is watching and ask them to end these terrible events.