Conservation Officers in British Columbia, a year are killing wild life on a grand scale.
- Rather then trying to use sedation methods on wild animals in British Columbia, such as bears and Cougars, Conservation officers rather kill, and execute.
-500 Black bears are killed per year. an average of more then 1 per day. (including cubs)
-1 Cougar is killed in every 4 days in British Columbia.
- Every 60 cougar execution, 1 is relocated
-Young cubs are not spared.
-Now please ask yourself, how would you feel, if your young ones got killed?
-How would you feel if you were a kid, and your parents are no longer around?
- Do these conservation officers actually think about the pain and sadness these animals go through, when their moms don't come home? Or when their babies don't come home? Or how about the though of your mom getting killed in front of you, then captured then driven for more miles, only to get killed.
By signing this, we want to send a message to Chris Doyle, hopefully this will reach his conscience. I also hope this petition, will force Cristy Clark Premier of British Columbia, to change the sadistic, and cruel methods used by her Conservation Officers to use a more humane approach to dealing with Wild Life.
I sincerely at the bottom of my heart, please help me share this peption, post it on your facebook, or wassap, or whatever you need to do to spread this peptition. British Columbia Canada, is not some 3rd world place. We are a developed nation, and it's embarrasement for such a place to use such patehtic and cruel methods to treat our wild life.
True live event.
I was camping at Golden Ears park in British Columbia From July 10 to July 12th.
There were sightings of bears entering camp grounds. Bears traps were set to capture them. Bear traps are set right next to overflowing garbage can. During the mornings of July 11th, the bear trap got a 2 year old Bear.
My sister kindly asked the Ranger what they will do about it, the Ranger said, "We have zero tolerance for bears entering camp sites" which is a close ended answer, since it's ironic that we are actually in their land, the baby bear is probably confused as hell, as he's just wandering around looking to food because he is starving, yet it's his fault he stumbled onto someone elses camp ground.
I later decided to ask myself, and this time the answer was different, he said, he doesn't know what the "conservation" officers will do about it. It was an obvious tactic to cover himself.
The bear was captured, and we did not know the fate of the bear, we did as a group pray for his safey and livelyhood, because since when did human kind decide the fate of the bears? It's like invading another country, take the area, the natives walk into the land, they get arrested, drove away for miles and get "destroyed" as quoted by the Conservation officer.
ON July 16 2015 My sister was informed that the bear was "destroyed" because there are zero tolererance for bears entering camp grounds. The bear was only 2 years, old, it does not know what is a camp ground, it also has no clue what is happening since it considered the forest his home. Conservation officer told us, because we didn't throw our garbage away properly, it bated the bear to come around the camp sites. However the garbage bin was clearly full and park Rangers and Golden Ears did not take action in cleaning it up.
Reason for execution.
Apparently there is a strick guide line they have to follow, it meat the requirements of killing the innocent bear, who apparently walked into camp grounds, that was carved out of their own homes by human beings. Reason for execution.
here is the video captured of the bear trap. Bear trap is clearly set next to a garbage that was overflowing. It was overflowing. Trust me. I was there.
Please sign and share this to as much people as possible. You don't think twice, that the government of British Columbia can be this inhumane, but they are, and we need everyone to know! this must change immediatley, or else like Elephants and Rhinos, bears in our Province will soon be extinct!
Thank you.
To Cristy Clark
Please change the methods of our conversation officers. Change the guide lines of what needs to be done to wild animals. If they can be saved please use that method instead. Let the bears decide their own fate, not human kind. If the Bears can be spared, captured, and release, it's a better way of saving life then killing it.
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