European Union allows sadistic torturing of animals because it's tradition

Even though the big majority of the citizens in the European Union (including France, Spain and Portugal) are strongly against the barbaric and sadistic "animal torturing for entertainment" (READ THE TEXT BELOW THE SIGNATURES), the European Union still allows these evil practises to take place because they are claimed by Spain, France and Portugal to be "traditions, customs and a centuries old culture". We demand that the politicians for once listen to the MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE! If we say we have evolved then it's time to show it! The majority of the European citizens don't believe that such evil, sadistic and barbaric practises belong in a modern and civilised Europe in the 21st Century!
Did you know that:

In Spain, after the hunting season, dogs are hung by their owners in a tree. Their death is slow and painful. The owners sit under the tree and enjoy some wine and beer with friends.
Because this is a "cultural tradition" or "old custom" the European Union allows this to happen!

Did you know that:

In many villages and towns in Spain they organise Fiesta's (feast) to honour the name day of a certain Saint (like the fiesta held in honour of San Fermin in Pamplona).
In many of these Fiesta's the released bulls are chased in the streets by a crowd with sticks, whips and knifes. Ones the bull is surrounded by the villagers, it is tortured, most of the time until death. Legs are broken, the very sensitive horns are hit off, tails are ripped off etc.

Here are some of the "Fiesta":

"Toros de Fuego" (Fire Bulls) held in Medinacelli (Soria)

This particular savagery consists in putting a kind of ball of pitch on both the horns of the bulls and setting fire to the balls (sometimes fireworks are used). The bulls are then released on the streets. These balls burn for hours, burning the horns, body and eyes, causing terrible suffering.
Several times the bulls try to kill themselves against walls, due to the horrible pain.

"Toros Enmaromado" (Bull with ropes) held in Benavente (Zamora)

The bull is bound with ropes and dragged all over the village till he dies of exhaustion or by the cutting of his throat.

"El toro de Vega" (Bull of Vega)

This so called popular fiesta consists in chasing a bull with spears all over the village sticking them into his body until his death. Since the crowd think that the torture is not enough, they cut off his testicles while he is still alive.

"El toro de Coria" (Bull of Coria)

The bull walks and runs for hours in the streets while people throw darts at him. The men are aiming for the more sensitive parts of it's body like the nose, eyes and testicles. When he is too tired and weak from loss of blood to continue the escape, the villagers cut off his testicles while he is still alive.

The lists goes on and on and on......

Because these are "cultural traditions" or "old customs" the European Union allows this to happen!

Sometimes donkeys or other animals are used for the "entertainment".

Did you know that:

The bullfight organisers in Spain, Portugal and France say that it is a noble and beautiful way for the bull to die in an arena. They say it is an art and that it is beautiful for the "respected, loved and privileged" bull to die while the crowd is cheering and applauding!

If you love and respect these living creatures why would you:

give the bulls very salty water before the game to weaken them with diarrhoea
cut up the horns very carefully(not to show) to the nerve so that the bull loses it's co-ordination during the game (very painful)
put prickly glycerine into the eyes
give him drugs to keep it calm
give him, if he is too calm, electric shocks to it's testicles
hit him very hard on the kidneys to weaken him (bags with sand are used, they don't leave any scars) before the game
keep the bulls for hours in boxes in full sun where they only can stand before the game

Then in the arena the bull is sadistically tortured to death with spears that cut like razors, hooks, sword and harpoons. Indeed a very "privileged" way to die!! Because this is a "cultural tradition" or "old custom" the European Union allows this to happen!

Did you know that:

It's common that the horses used during a bullfight get deeply wounded by the horns of the bulls, loosing their intestines and consequently dying. The horses, by nature are very frightened of the bulls, scream, so the vocal cords of these horses are cut, because the crowd doesn't want to hear the horse scream. It does happen that the horse which has been ripped open by the bull, is stitched up without anaesthetics and put back in the arena for the next fight.

Did you know that:

The breeders of the special bulls used for bullfights get subsidies from the European Union. Many of the European citizens don't know this is happening and for all the European Union citizens (the majority) who are strongly against these barbaric games to know where their tax money is going to is very frustrating!
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