Tell Governor McCrory: NC wants clean air and water, not more gifts to polluters!

Governor Pat McCrory just sided with polluters over the people of North Carolina.
Late on a Friday evening in October, when politicians like to reveal information that they hope won't be covered in the next day's news, Governor McCrory announced that he'd signed the "Polluter Protection Act" into law.
This destructive bill — House Bill 765 — "will result in more environmental damage than any bill passed in recent memory: air quality monitors will be dismantled, streams that ensure clean drinking water will be destroyed without mitigation, more polluted runoff will be allowed into coastal waters, and polluters will be allowed to regulate themselves through audits and hide information from the public."
The Governor wanted to quietly sign this terrible legislation into law, but we won't let that happen. Raise you voice and together let's show him that the public knows he sided with polluters over the people of North Carolina.
Sign the petition and tell Governor McCrory: North Carolinians want clean air and water, not more gifts to polluters!
Dear Governor McCrory,
As a proud North Carolinian, I'm very disappointed that you chose to protect polluters over the people. Signing H765 into law was just wrong.
This bill only helps polluters escape accountability and will result in dirtier air and water for the rest of us. Polluted land, air, and water will not help our state grow the right way.
H765 puts polluters over people and takes North Carolina backwards.
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