Philip Workman robbed a restaurant in Memphis Tn. During the robbery, and subsequent shootout with police, A police officer was killed. Mr. Workman was tried and convicted of killing that officer. However, the prosecution based thier case purley on an "eyewitness" who, after the coviction and death sentance, was found to have perjured the tesimony. This person saw nothing. Now, many years later, it has been released that the bullet found in the body of the officer was not even fired from the gun of Philip Workman, but rather, one of the officers guns.The courts are refusing to hear this new evidenc, and considers the case closed.As Mr. Workmnas appeals have all run out, nothing stands in the way of his execution except to get the governer or the courts to listen to this new evidence. Another problem, the man was convicted before he ever got to trial. The trial was held in Memphis, and all the jurors were from the Memphis area. He had no chance at a fair trial, due to the officer that was killed being from the area.
While I do not condone the actions fo Phillip Workman, I know he did not shoot the officer.
I am trying to get the Gov. to overturn the DP. Please help me in this fight.
While he is still on death row, there is no immediate date of execution sheduled.
Gov. Bredesen,
You are Philip Workman's last chance. You know the evidence against him was tainted, and the trial perjured. The courts won't here his new evidence. Please do not shut this man out. If he had not been acused of killing a police officer, this man would have never been convicted on such shaky evidence. Please do not make him your "example". The state needs to stop killing people. If you execute this man, you are no better than the killers you put to death. It has to stop somewhere.Let it be you. Overturn Phillips death warrent.