Pass The "Extreme Weather Pet Protection Act", Protect Outdoor Pets

  • by: Helen Thompson
  • recipient: Legislative Body Of New Jersey, Attn: Senators & Assemblymen

In Extreme Weather Conditions, Outdoor Dogs and Cats are suffering from Frostbite, Heatstroke and dying of Hypothermia in New Jersey. Weak Laws give New Jersey a ranking of 37th in the Nation for Animal Protection Laws.

Without strong Anti-Cruelty Laws, outdoor pets will continue to suffer needlessly due to no fault of their own. They have waited long enough; the time to act is now.

Give Animal Control the tools they need to protect outdoor pets before injuries occur, not after. Anything less is unacceptable.

We are urging the Legislative Body of New Jersey to pass the "Extreme Weather Pet Protection Act" and send it to Governor Chris Christie's Desk to be signed into Law. We also urge the attachment of strong penalties to deter noncompliance with this Act.

"In Extreme Weather Below thirty two (32) degrees and above ninety (90) degrees and in major storms where evacuation is recommended, all outdoor dogs and indoor/outdoor cats (with the exception of feral cats) must be brought indoors whether tethered or kenneled, unless the kennel is heated or air conditioned in accordance with the safety code. Indoors will include any area of the residence which is temperature controlled. The Garage and Basement will be included, unless heated in cold months or air conditioned in hot months will not be considered adequate".

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We, the undersigned, request the Legislative Body of New Jersey Adopt a strong, comprehensive, State Law that will protect Outdoor Pets in Extreme Weather Conditions; before injuries occur, not after. New Jersey has a dismal ranking of 37th in the Nation for Animal Protection Laws, which we find unacceptable.

We refuse to allow more dogs and cats to be subjected to Frostbite, Hypothermia and Heatstroke due to weak Animal-Cruelty Laws and Legislative Indifference to their continued suffering. We urge the Legislative Body of N.J. to pass the "Extreme Weather Pet Protection Act" as stated below; and send it to Governor Chris Christie's Desk to be signed into Law.

"In Extreme Weather Below thirty two (32) degrees and above ninety (90) degrees and in major storms where evacuation is recommended, all outdoor dogs and indoor/outdoor cats (with the exception of feral cats) must be brought indoors whether tethered or kenneled, unless the kennel is heated or air conditioned in accordance with the safety code. Indoors will include any area of the residence which is temperature controlled. The Garage and Basement will be included, unless heated in cold months or air conditioned in hot months will not be considered adequate".

We urge all N.J. Legislators to support this Act as Animal-Cruelty spans across political lines. We also urge that this Act not be watered down and rendered useless.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this critical piece of Legislation.

Update #110 years ago
I've added a Petition Letter to my Petition that will be sent to all NJ legislators. Please feel free to copy the letter and send it to N.J. Senators, Assemblymen or Governor Chris Christie to voice your support for the "Extreme Weather Pet Protection Act". Legislators are found in the link below.
Thank you for your support and please share this Petition.
Helen Thompson
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