If the USFW delist the wolves in the lower 48 states, they will not survive. Wolves fleeing from states that have wolf management plans "such as Idaho" into neighboring states could be shot on site. Denying them the opputunity to form packs,to have their young,and to form packs, a complex family bond that they rely on for their survival. And to stop the wolf hunts in the Western Great Lakes and Northern Rockie Mountain States. Too many wolves are being slaughtered in these states . Wolf populations will be taken down to the bear minimum . But, if President Obama doesn't step in and orders wolves to be put back on The Protected List, they will not survive. Because ,the butchering of mature ,juveniles and pups will disrupt the complex social structure of wolves, parents are dying, juveniles won't have them to teach them how to hunt, therefore the pups will starve to death. They won't have any adults or parents to bring them food. This will happen and is happening right now to them,even if they are lucky enough to avoid the hunters GUNS,TRAPS and POISINING.
This is one reason ,out of many to join me in this fight for the WOLF'S RIGHT TO LIFE. So please sign , share and help me spread this petition fast.
President Obama, we the undersigned, DEMAND that you stop the USFW from delisting the wolves in the lower 48 states, and request that you put all wolves back on the federal protection list. Over one and a half million people have submitted comments along with dozens of Biologist, Ecologists and scientist opposing the delisting of wolves to the USFW, but to no avail. It is time MR. President to order the USFW to put all wolves on the Federal Protection list again.