Demand Justice for Echo, the Slain Grand Canyon Wolf

It's as we feared.
DNA analysis shows that the gray wolf gunned down in Utah last December was Echo, the Grand Canyon wolf.
Echo wandered more than 750 miles from the Rocky Mountains to find a mate. When she made her historic appearance on the Grand Canyon's north rim in 2014 she became the first wolf spotted there in more than 70 years.
Just three weeks before her killing she received the name "Echo" through a naming contest entered by hundreds of schoolchildren around the world who were fascinated by her journey.
But hopes of seeing gray wolves reestablished near Grand Canyon died when a hunter shot her dead, claiming to have mistaken her for a coyote.
Wolves are an endangered species in Utah, but hunters are rarely, if ever, punished when they illegally kill animals supposedly mistaken for unprotected wildlife species.
Demand justice for Echo.
Tell the head of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that Echo deserves justice and he must do everything in his power to investigate and prosecute this callous and tragic shooting.
Dear Dan Ashe,
I urge you conduct a full investigation into last year's killing of a female gray wolf by a hunter near Beaver, Utah.
As you know, DNA analysis has now confirmed what many feared -- the slain wolf was the female known as Echo, the Grand Canyon wolf. She became famous for being the first wolf spotted near the Grand Canyon since the last wolf there was killed in the 1940s.
Wolves are an endangered species in Utah, but the Endangered Species Act, as I am sure you are aware, is rarely if ever enforced when it comes to illegal shootings of animals supposedly mistaken for unprotected wildlife species, despite the fact that a fundamental rule of firearm and hunter safety is never to pull the trigger without being 100 percent sure of the target.
Please use your full authority to investigate the circumstances under which this wolf was killed and the hunter's claim that he mistook a federally protected wolf wearing a collar for a much smaller coyote. If your staff determines that this wolf was illegally killed, please coordinate with the U.S. Department of Justice to seek the maximum penalties allowed by law.
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