Induct the band Yes into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

"Yes are an English progressive rock band that formed in London in 1968. Their music is marked by sharp dynamic contrasts, often extended song lengths, and a general showcasing of its members' instrumental skills. Yes uses symphonic and other so called 'classical' structures with their blend of musical styles in an innovative "marriage" of music. Despite a great many lineup changes, occasional splits and many changes in popular music, the band has continued for nearly 40 years and still retains a strong international following."

"Far and away the longest lasting and the most successful of the '70s progressive rock groups, Yes proved to be one of the lingering success stories from that musical genre. The band, founded in 1968, overcame a generational shift in its audience and the departure of its most visible members at key points in its history to reach the end of the century as the definitive progressive rock band. Where rivals such as Emerson, Lake & Palmer withered away commercially after the mid-'70s, and Genesis and King Crimson altered their sounds so radically as to become unrecognizable to their original fans, Yes retained the same sound, and performed much of the same repertory that they were doing in 1971; and for their trouble, they found themselves being taken seriously a quarter of a century later. Their audience remains huge because they've always attracted younger listeners drawn to their mix of daunting virtuosity, cosmic (often mystical) lyrics, complex musical textures, and powerful yet delicate lead vocals."

"You can say a lot of nasty things about progressive rock, and many people have -- most frequently, that the genre emphasizes musical chops over soulful expression. But in the case of Yes, the British band's often overbearing pretentiousness resulted in moments of rare grace and beauty, a bizarre and fleeting -- if totally unrealistic -- coupling of classical textures with rock & roll pathos."


It has come to my attention that Yes has never been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  I found this to be completely absurd and something has to be done about this.  I've heard from an anonymous source that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation allegedly has something against progressive rock music, but Pink Floyd was given an exception to the rule.  I found this to be unfair.  To me, rock music is rock music is rock music.  Progressive rock if only a branch off of rock.  Yes has been successful for almost 40 years and are still entertaining audiences around the world to this day.  I think that it is highly necessary to give them such an honor that every rock band dreams of.  All rock musicians should have an equal opportunity to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, no matter what branch of rock music they write and perform.
It has come to my attention that Yes has never been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  I found this to be completely absurd and something has to be done about this.  I've heard from an anonymous source that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation allegedly has something against progressive rock music, but Pink Floyd was given an exception to the rule.  I found this to be unfair.  To me, rock music is rock music is rock music.  Progressive rock if only a branch off of rock.  Yes has been successful for almost 40 years and are still entertaining audiences around the world to this day.  I think that it is highly necessary to give them such an honor that every rock band dreams of.  All rock musicians should have an equal opportunity to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, no matter what branch of rock music they write and perform.
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