Stand With the EPA and Fight Back Against Corporate Polluters!

For the first time in our nation's history, the EPA plans to place limits on carbon pollution for existing power plants. Many believe it is the most important step taken to combat the climate crisis in our country's history. Already, corporate polluters have launched a barrage of baseless attacks against the EPA and the new rules. But with your help, we're fighting back!
The EPA is calling for public comments on the proposal, and they need to hear from Californians like you. Tell the EPA that these new rules are exactly the kind of bold action we need to fight climate change — and don't let corporate polluters stand in the way!
Carbon pollution fuels climate change — wreaking havoc on our health, environment and economy. With the proposed limits, our country will have a 30 percent reduction in carbon pollution from the power sector. Tell the EPA to stop existing power plants from dumping unlimited carbon pollution into the air. Send your comment now!
Dear [Decision maker],
I stand with the California League of Conservation Voters in urging you to move forward with the EPA's plans to limit carbon pollution for existing power plants.
These new clean air standards will protect public health, fight climate change, and create jobs. We cannot let polluters and their congressional allies block, weaken, or delay the implementation of this critical step in fighting dangerous climate change.
As a Californian, I know that our state, our country and our planet are already experiencing the effects of climate change, like extreme weather. Those effects are only going to get worse if we don't take immediate action.
[Your comments here]
You have my support because I believe it is our obligation to protect our children and future generations from the effects of climate change -- and that means moving forward with these critical clean air protections for the first time in our nation’s history.
[Your name]
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