Help Stop Poverty Now

Imagine! $100 can change a family's future.
Yuli, a young mother from Indonesia, has been selling dry goods for many years. She struggled to feed her children with her meager earnings. Then she found microfinance. With a $100 loan she bought more cakes and goods to sell. Her income went up. She took another loan and increased her earnings even more. Now she can pay for food, education, and health care for her family.
Microfinance is one of the most effective and flexible strategies in the fight against global poverty. Consisting of small loans to individuals, usually less than $200, they help establish or expand small and self-sustaining businesses.
And microfinance has a positive impact far beyond just one person. Most loans go to women because studies show that women are more likely to reinvest their earnings in their business and families. When loans are repaid those dollars are recycled for another loan. As families cross the poverty line, their communities benefit. Jobs are created, knowledge is shared, civic participation increases and women are recognized as valuable members of their families and communities.
Sign to show your support for microfinance and Grameen Foundation, one of the leading organizations supporting microfinance today.
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