Protect America's Eagles
We must act quickly to urge Interior Secretary Jewell to reverse a recent decision to grant 30-year eagle permits to the wind industry.
Newer technology and siting information is available that could pose less risk to birds, but the Interior's action has put Bald and Golden Eagles at risk.
Wind power is an important part of the solution to global warming, but we must develop wind power in a thoughtful, science-based way so we can do the best job of protecting Golden and Bald Eagles and other birds while also allowing for deployment of properly-sited renewable energy projects.
Send Secretary Jewell a message and speak up for eagles!
To: Secretary Jewell Although I strongly support the development of renewable energy like properly-sited wind power, I was outraged and dismayed to learn of the Department of the Interior's decision to provide 30-year authorizations to wind companies to kill Bald and Golden eagles. The 30-year permit rule is a blank check for the wind industry and provides no comfort or confidence at all that you will be protecting America's majestic Bald and Golden Eagles and safeguarding their populations. In fact, your agency has not approved a single Advanced Conservation Practice that is scientifically defensible, and has little or no ability to monitor wind projects. Yet, your permit rule has been represented as a conservation maneuver because of the presence of Advanced Conservation Practices and monitoring. I know better. You have made the terribly misguided decision to lock in bad practices for 30 years, which will result directly in more dead eagles. I urge you to withdraw the rule and do what's right for America's symbol, the Bald Eagle, and for majestic Golden Eagles as well. [Your comment here] Sincerely, [Your name here]
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